Moonshine Mama's

Lemon Turmeric Elixir

More Super Than a Supplement

Sunshine in a bottle made with organic superfoods and the power to enliven, strengthen, and nourish. It’s wonder in a glass with the warm spice of ginger and turmeric mingling with the tang of lemon and sweetness of honey. Designed to give you 4 grams of activated turmeric, it’s your daily dose and flavour in one ounce! 

  • How to enjoy:
    Shoot it, sip it, mix it. 1 oz a day is all you need.
  • Superstar ingredients:
    Turmeric, ginger, lemon, white pepper, coconut oil.
  • Benefits:
    Anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting.
  • Size:
    500 mL (16 Servings)

    Marvellous, amazing, sensational and terrific are just a few of the ways we’d describe the superstar ingredient our brand was built on. Backed by science, turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin that is antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory. Ta-da!

    Simply swallowing a capsule won’t do the trick. To get the full range of curcumin’s benefits, we activate our turmeric-based products with ingredients like black pepper, lemon and coconut oil. This process takes your absorption up to 2000%1, allowing you to easily receive the immune-boosting, energizing, health benefits your body wants and needs.

    In 2011 our Founder Mel was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. After extensive research on natural ways to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system, Mel began mixing natural ingredients into delicious and activated elixirs with the power to heal.  Necessity was the mama of invention.

    Lemon Turmeric Elixir:
    Filtered water, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Curcuma, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Lime Turmeric Elixir:
    Filtered water, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Limes, *Turmeric, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil 
    Eau Filtree, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Limes, *Curcuma, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Sour Cherry Turmeric Elixir:
    Filtered water, *Sour Cherries, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, *Cerises Griottes, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Curcuma, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Spiced Elderberry Turmeric Elixir: 
    Filtered water, *Elderberries, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, *Cinnamon, Allspice, Cardamom, Cloves, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, Baies de Sureau, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Curcuma, Cannelle, Piment de la Jamaïque, Cardamome, Clous de girofle, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Sublime Supergreen Turmeric Elixir: 
    Filtered water, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, *Spirulina, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Curcuma, *Spiruline, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Strawberry Turmeric Elixir:
    Filtered water, *Strawberries, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, *Fraises, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Curcuma, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Raspberry Turmeric Elixir: 
    Filtered water, *Raspberries, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, *Framboises, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Racine de Curcuma, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Blackberry Turmeric Elixir:
    Filtered water, *Blackberries, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, Mures, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Curcuma, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    Cranberry Turmeric Elixir: 
    Filtered water, *Cranberries, *Lemons, *Ginger, Honey, *Turmeric, White Pepper, *Coconut Oil
    Eau Filtree, *Canneberges, *Citrons, *Gingembre, Miel, *Curcuma, Poivre Blanc, *Huile de Noix de Coco

    *Organic / *Biologique

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